Wednesday, 20 October 2021

Billy Goats Gruff

I watched a fairy tale called Billy Goats Gruff.

First, I watched the first part of the story. The main characters were the Billy Goats Gruff.

Once upon a time, there were three little Billy Goats Gruff brothers, who lived on a grassy meadow next to the river. There was little Billy Goat Gruff, middle Billy Goat Gruff, and great big Billy Goat Gruff. They were eating grass and all of a sudden they ate all the grass on the meadow. Little Billy Goat Gruff said “Oh look, there are loads of grass on the other side. Maybe we should go there.” Then the great big Billy Goat Gruff said “Good idea!”

I enjoyed watching this story because it reminds me of my friends pet goat. Video

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