Friday 28 February 2020


In kiwican we learnt about positive communications. Positive communications means any kind of communication that gets a positive response. For the energizer we were  put into teams and . After we played our energizer we went on the floor and talked about being kind to each other and being friendly. after that we were playing another game and the game was called fighter. Everyone got beaton up by koura beau and Mr.Seamanus team won. I was in Mr.Seamanus team and Mr.Seamanus team was always beaton by Miss.Grace but Mr.Seamanu got his revenge.

Tuesday 25 February 2020

Descriptive Writing

L.I. To descriptive using intresting language features
The "Descriptive Writing" activity is used for practising using descriptive language. The comment function is used to describe any of gathered photo. There is a list of languge features to help create descriptions. The objective of the Descriptive writing activity is to inprove descriptive language

Independent activities

L.I. - To practise independent activities.

Our groups started a rotation.

The activities we attemped were basic fact boxes, Drills, Abocus, and finding a group logo.

We had to make a vidieo of ourselves counting on the abocus.

I did the up to 5  speed demon challenge on basic facts boxes.

I found the abocus very challenging because we had to count and do a video at the same time.

Friday 21 February 2020

Self portrait

Today I have finished my self portrait. There were 2 ways to make a self portrait. The first way of doing a self portriat is to make it with shapes. The seconed way of doing it is using the curve tool and I used the curve tool it was really easy. but the shapes were a little bit hard for some people. Using the shapes was hard and difficult. Some people gave it a try but gave up and tried using the curve tool. When I did my self portrait I thought it was a little too hard. So I gave it a go and it ended up like this.

Wednesday 19 February 2020

Print Desighn Rules

L.I - To explain what print desighn rules mean.

This week we are learning about print desighn rules First we did this task called good and bad. The Good one is the normal one. And the bad one was different. Because the tittle was gone, the text was the same colour as the background, and there were to many clashing colours in the drawing. The seconed task is to copy some list of things that is on the board.

The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly - Print Design Rules

Use this document to record your notes as you go around the different posters to identify the four areas of print design.


  • The black text goes well with the background.
  • Too many clashing colors. The black text is not written for the dark blue.
  • You can see the text in this DLO.
  • There are too many clashing colors in the drawing.


  • There are pictures with the text. There is a heading on the picture.
  • There are no pictures with the text.
  • There is a title and there is a heading.
  • There are no headings. There are just random images there. 


  • The text is not overlapping so you can read it properly.
  • The text is overlapping and people can not understand it.
  • The text is alined and also the images.
  • The title is in the middle when it is supposed to be on the top.


  • The font and size is correct.
  • The fonts and the size are different.
  • There is a heading and you know what it's talking about.
  • There is no heading and the text is not

Friday 14 February 2020

Positive Relationships

L.I. To make positive relationships

We learned about positive relationships.

We played switch places for the energizer.

We talked about fairness and fair play.

We played pizza tag to encourage fairness and fair play.

I was happy that everyone was in the game and playing fairly.

Thursday 13 February 2020

Te Tiriti o Treaty of Waitangi

This week we have been learning about the Treaty of Waitangi by accessing different text types and media.

In groups we needed to firstly access the information and gather the main ideas of Who, What, Where, Why and When. We had journal stories, websites, youtube videos and more.

We then had to summarise the information into sentences using key words. Even though we all picked out different words, the main idea of the treaty are the 3 Ps.

The 3 Ps are Protection, Partnership and Participation. This is what the treaty set out to achieve.

We then had to evaluate our new learnings and think of questions that we want to find more information


Crazy Cricket Chaos

L.I - To develop fundamental movements in Cricket.

We did our first sesson of cricket with brion from HPCC.

I did a sesson on throwing a ball at a set of stumps. We also did an activity where we had to hit 2 balls off cones as far as we could. Lastly we did a catching drill with 2 balls in a big circle. I was so tired at the end from all the running.

 I need to work on my aiming on throwing the ball at the stumps.

Maritime Museum

L.I. To study the history of NZ Maritime explorers
We went to the Maritime Museum to find out about Maritime explorers. I saw lots of boats like kayaks and waka. I found out that Sir Peter Blake was the best New Zealand sailor. I watched a video about the first explorers coming to Aotearoa. I enjoyed learning about things that I never knew.

Tuesday 11 February 2020

How to make a password

A password is a secret code to keep acounts safe.

We learnt how to make a strong password. We started by having two random words like bouincing bananas. We then learnt to make a strong password we can change letters to capitals, numbers, or symbols. An example of a strong password is beloiw.

3ounc1ng 3@n@n@s

About me 2020

About Me 2020

Talofa lava. `

My name is Hector. I am Samoan. I am in LS1 at Panmure Bridge School. I enjoy writing and drawing. At home I like spending time with my family.