I did some information gathering on three different types of fairy tales.
First, I watched the Maui and The Sun. This story was about the sun who travels the through the sky fast and at night, the moon goes slow. Maui and his brothers had to put a stop to it. So then they made ropes and captured the sun. Then they weakend it so the sun could go slow though out the day. Nowdays, the sun goes slower than ever. Video
Next, I watched the Three Little Billy Goats Gruff. There was Little Billy Goats Gruff, Middle Billy Goats Gruff, and The Great Big Billy Goats Gruff. They lived on a huge hillside full of grass nearby a river. Suddenly, there was no more grass. But there were more grass on the otherside of the river. They had to cross a bridge and underneath the bridge was a hungry troll waiting for them. Video
Lastly, I watched Little Red Riding Hood. This story was about a little girl with a beautiful red cloak, went to go to give food for her sick grandmother. But little did she know, there was a big bad wolf. He convinced the Little Red Riding Hood about other things, but she didn't believe him. Them when she got to her grandma's house, the wolf was dressed as the grandma.
I enjoyed reading these books because two of these books were my childhood books I used to read.