Tuesday, 31 August 2021

HPE | Tuesday Workout

Today I did a Tuesday Workout. The Tuesday Workout were Wall Sits, Squats, and Burpees.

First, I did Wall Sits. Wall Sits is pretending siting in a chair but using the wall. Arms are out and feet extended facing foward.

Next, I did Squats. Sqauts is like bending down on the toilet and feet foward.

Lastly, I did Burpees. Burpees is going into a pressup position and coming back up with a jump.

These exercises were quite hard because my legs were shaking and I almost felt like I was going to collapse.

Monday, 30 August 2021

Basic Facts Boxes

I completed the speed up demon challenge for subtraction.

I got 100/100 and my time was (3 minutes and 44 seconds)

Next time, I should try division.

SSR Selfie | Boyz Rule!

I read a fiction book called Boyz Rule! made by Felic Arena and Phil Kettle and Illustrated by Susy Boyer.

First, I read the first chapter. The main characters are two best friends named Tom and Joey.

Best friends Tom and Joey are spending the weekend at Tom’s uncle’s farm. After a busy morning of milking cows, the boys watch a wildlife show about birds on TV.

I enjoyed this activity because I like how Tom and Joey are spending the weekend with Tom's whanau, and it is just like spending the weekend over at my whanau's house.


Today I did a group activity with my class called Madlibs. We had to go into groups and write down a farm animal, city, number between 1-20, unit of time, adjective (not colour),  adjective (not colour), persons name, type of clothing, and colour.

First, We wrote down an animal and the animal was a pig.

Next, We wrote down a city and the city was New York.

Then, We wrote down a number between 1-20 and the number was 15.

Then, We wrote down a unit of time and the unit of time were 15 days and 24 hours.

Then, We wrote down two adjectives but not a colour. The adjectives were big and tall.

After, We wrote down a persons name and the name was Jack.

Then, We wrote down a type of clothing and the clothing was a Jumper.

Lastly, We wrote down a colour and the colour was white.

I enjoyed this activity because I brainstormed these words and my teachers combined it into a story.

HPE | Monday Workout

Today I did a Monday Workout. This Monday Workout were Lunges, Mountain Climbers, and Ankle Touches.

First, I did Lunges. Lunges is stretching legs out back and forth with feet flat on the ground.

Next, I did Mountain Climbers. Mountain Climbers is going into a press up position and push up legs.

Lastly, I did Ankle Touches. Ankle Touches is laying down on th floor and bending legs with feet flat on the floor. Then swaying hands side to side to make sure that hands touch ankles.

I enjoyed this activity because it energized my brain for more learning.

SSR Selfie | The Jungle Book

I read a fiction book called The Jungle Book made by Rudyard Kipling.

First, I read the first chapter. The main characters were the Wolf family and Share Khan the tiger.

It was seven o’clock of a very warm evening and Father Wolf woke up from his day rest.He yawned and scratched himself and his paws spread out one after another. Mother Wolf lay her big grey nose dropped across her four tumbling, squealing cubs, and the moon shone into the mouth of the cave where they all lived. “Aurgh!” said Father Wolf “It is time we hunt again.”

I enjoyed reading this book because it felt like I was in a real Jungle.

Dance Mat Typing

I completed a typing activity. This activity was about learning to look at the screen and type more often looking at the keyboard and type.

First, I set up a 15 minute timer and opened up Dance Mat Typing website.

Next, I had to find something to cover the keyboard and place my fingers on the home keys.

Lastly, I pasted my results on a google slide and I had to write a description on what I had to imrpove.

This activity was hard becuase I kept on looking underneath the covers.

Basic Facts Boxes

I completed multiplication in the speed up demon challenge.

I got 86/90 and my time was (3 minutes and 59 seconds).

Next time, I should look at the equations properly.

Fact Find | Lisa Carrington

I completed a can do task called Fact Find. I had to do information research about a topic or a person. The topic I did was a NZ Olympian named Lisa Carrington.

First, I wrote a introduction. The introduction was about introducing about the topic. For example: Lisa Carrington is a contestant who competed in the Olympic Games. She won 5 gold medals and 1 bronze medal for NZ. The sports she competed in was Kayaking. She was born on the 23rd of June 1989.

Next, I wrote five facts about my topic. For example: Did you know that Lisa Carrington received $60,000?

After, I did my media. This part was about getting an image from Google and attributing it with where it came from, who the author is, and the reuse page.

Last, I put links to where I got my information from.

I enjoyed this activity because I learnt a lot about this olympian.

Friday, 27 August 2021

Basic Facts Boxes

I completed the speed up demon challenge up to 20 (subtraction).

I got 100/100 and my time was (3 minutes and 17 seconds).

Next time, I should do addition up to 100.

Rap Lyric or Poetry Verse

This week, I have decided wheather a text was a Rap Lyric or a Poetry Verse. Each day, I had to make my desciosion.

First, I did my first text on Monday. This text was about fighting into battle. I had to find interesting words in the text and write down poetic devices. For example: like troops in a battle. This sentence is a simile. A simile is a comparision using two things, like and as. My descision for this text was a poem because of the rhyming words.

Next, I did my next text on Tuesday. This text was about a group of people rapping in front of a real life crowd. I had to write interesting words and identify them with definitions. For example: Notorious - means a bad quality. My descision for this text was a rap because the sound of this text was flow.

Then, I did my third text on Wednesday. This text was about someone rapping at a door all day. I had to highlight words and identify if it was a metphor, simile, hyperbole, personification, and other. For example: All the world is a stage. This sentence is a metaphor. A metaphor are two things compared but without using, like or as. My descision for this text was neither because neither sounded like a poem or a rap.

Lastly, I did my last text on Thursday. This text was about someone working out in the gym. I had to make my own descision and guess what the author is trying to make me feel. For example: The author is trying to make me feel like I am in the gym working out. My descision for this text was a poem because words rhyme and it sounds like a poem.

This activity was enjoyable because I identified if it was a rap or a poem. My results were that I got 2/4.

Tuesday, 17 August 2021

Reasons and Statistics

I wrote down reasons and statistics about a topic.

First , I wrote down reasons to back up my argument. The topic I chose for my reasons was Rubbish My argument was Less Littering and my audience was LS1 and Mr Ogilvie.

Next , I wrote down my first reason. How much rubbish is in the ocean? There are currently 5.25 trillion pieces of plastic in the ocean right now.

Last , I wrote down other reasons. How much rubbish goes into the ocean every year? 9 billion pieces of plastic go into the ocean every year.

I enjoyed this activity because this helps me with my planning.

Synthesis and QAR

I learnt how to use synthesis and QAR based on a text called Fun, Fantastic, Fabulous Fitness.

First , I did synthesis. This activity was about reading the text and using our prior knowledge to come up with new information and then combining those two pieces of information to come up with a new understanding. I had to decide whether I had to agree or disagree about something in the new understanding box.

Next, I did QAR. I had to figure out which question would go in the correct box. The boxes were right there, think and search, author and you, and on my own. Right there is the answer is in the text. Think and search is the answer is in the text but we have to look somewhere else to find the information. Author and you is the answer is not in the text but we have to use our own background knowledge and what the author has told you to come up with an answer. On my own is not in the text but we have to come up with answer.

Last, I wrote an answer for each question in the boxes.  

I learned a lot about this activity because I used reading skills to come up with my own prior knowledge and combined the two pieces of information to come up with a new understanding.  

Wednesday, 11 August 2021

Synthesis and QAR

I learnt how to use sythesis and QAR based on a text called Fire Fast Food.

First, I did the synthesis activity. This activity was about reading the text and using our prior knowledge to search for new information and combining those two things to come up with a new understanding. I had to decide wheather I could agree or disagree about something in the new understanding box.

Next, I did a QAR activity. This activity was about reading ten questions and putting it in the correct box. The boxes were right there, think and search, author and you, and on my own. Right there is the answer is in the text, think and search is the answer is in the text but we have to look somewhere else to find the information, author and you is the answer is not in the text but we have to use our own background knowledge and what the author has told you to come up with an answer, and on my own is not in the text but we have to come up with answer.

Lastly, we put the questions in the correct box and answered them.

I learned a lot about this activity because I used reading skills to come up with my own prior knowledge and combined the two pieces of information to come up with a new understanding.

Tuesday, 10 August 2021

Persuasive Topics

I brainstormed multiple topics that relate to me, school, and the world.

First, I brainstormed topics that relate to me and my school. For example: Me - Monopoly is more popular than Clue, and School - Students could do free time Friday. These topics I think we're good.

Next, I brainstormed topics that relate to the world. For example: Less plastic. 

Lastly, we colour coded our topics like traffic lights. Green means that is a great topic, Yellow means slow down because it isn’t interesting, and Red means stop because we’re going to run into problems.. 

I enjoyed the activity because I came up with loads of topics that relate to three different things.  

Skip Counting and Repeated Addition

I used two strategies to figure out math equations. They are called skip counting and repeated addition. 

First, we figured out some equations using skip counting and repeated addition using uni-link blocks. We had to make numbers using unilink blocks and figure out the equations. For example: 5 and 5 unilink blocks.

Next, we made a google slide deck and used the unilink blocks for each time table. The timetable was the 6 times table. For example: 5x6, repeated addition - 6 + 6 + 6 + 6 + 6 = 30, skip counting - 6, 12, 18, 24, 30. 

Last, we did the last couple of slides for the times tables and we were finished.  

I learned a lot about these two strategies because when I have to figure out an equation like 32 x 5, I could use the two strategies to help understand the equation. 

Friday, 6 August 2021

Synthesis and QAR

I completed two tasks called Synthesis and QAR using a text called Beat Bullying.

First, I did the Synthesis activity. I had to fill in my prior knowledge in what I already know about what the text is about, I had to read new information in the text, and I had to combine both of the catogories into a new understandings.

After, I did a QAR activity. I had to read 10 qestions and put them in the correct box with an answer. They are right there, think and search, author and you, and on my own.

Right there is the answer could be found right there in the text.

Think and search is the answer is in the text but you may have to look at different places to find it.

Author and you is the answer is not in the text. You have to use your own knowledge and what the author has told you to not come up with the answer. 

On my own is the answer is not in the text. You could even come up with your own answer if you didn't read the text. You need to use your own background skills and thinling skills to come up with an answer.

I enjoyed this activity because I used my own prior knowledge to read the text.

What is Persuasion?

I created a persuasive poster.

First, we watched two videos that relates to the word "Persuade." Persuade means to convince someone on what you think, feel, and believe.

Next, we had an argument. One side was agree and the other was disagree. I had to try and disagree to not make people mad.

After, we created a poster about persuading people. The key thing in arguing with someone is the perspective.

I enjoyed this task because I learnt how to persuade people in what I believe.