Friday, 30 October 2020

Inquiry | Emergency Shelters

Emergency Shelters are to protect people from Tsunamis, Earthquakes, Volcano eruptions, Fire, and Storms.

Storm shelters can protect people from rolling over because there are things blocking from the side to the other side. This storm shelter would be able to survive a very large storm. The weakness for this shelter is water can fall inside.

Volcano eruptions shelters has a lot of protection because the stones would help the shelter not melt down from the lava. The weakness is that the lava might go flat through the hole if the person goes close to the volcano.

Shelters are used to protect people from accidents and disasters.

L.I To research emergency shelters

L.I To read and understand a design brief.

Touch Rugby

This week for Touch Rugby I learned two new basic skills.

First I practised how to plant the ball. I had to plant the ball by putting it on the ground and steping over it.

Next I played a game called "Blue Bibs versus Non-Bibs." Each team has a ball. Some players have a ball and some don't. I had no ball I had no ball so I had to tag the perso with the ball. When I tagged the person he planted the ball and passed to me so I have to run away from the person with no ball.

The last skill I learnt was defending and attacking. There was 2 defenders and 1 attacker. The defender has to try and block the ball the attackers from scoring a try.

I enjoyed Touch Rugby because I learnt new basic skills.

Thursday, 29 October 2020

Novel Study | Fantastic Mr Fox

This novel study was about Fantastic Mr Fox. A novel study is getting information from novels. There were three chapters to read and they were about Mr Fox trying to escape the hole but Boggis, Bunce, and Bean were too desprate to get Mr Fox so they stayed next to the hole to wait for the fox.

When Bunce and Bean was digging to get Mr Fox, Boggis was looking to see if they were close to the fox and when they were close to the fox, Boggis will shoot the fox with his shotgun. Mr Fox and his family were very tired of digging and they were so hungry.

Bunce and Bean stopped because they were hungry and tired too, and so as Boggis. They wanted to go back to the farm to get some food but they didn't want Mr Fox and his family to escape. So the famers shaked each others hands and swore that they stayed and looked after the fox day and night, so they went to the other farms and asked if they had any tents or sleeping bags. They put the tents surrounding the foxes hole.

Bunce and Bean and Boggis ate the same meal as usual. Boggis had chicken with dumplings, Bunce had douhnuts with revolting goose paste, and Bean had two gallons of apple cider. Boggis pointed his chicken to the hole and he said "Hey, Mr Fox this is your last day eating chicken!"

Mr Fox and his family were hungry but they didn't give up.

L.I To study novels

Wednesday, 28 October 2020


This week's maths task we had to do some more story problems but shared with three groups. Division is sharing objects evenly. 

First I had to write the original number. For example: I had 27 chicken drum sticks.

Next was to write how many groups that was shared. For example: I shared it among me, Xavier, and Paul. 

Third was to write how much objects or things we got each. For example: Each of us got 9 chicken drum sticks.

Lastly was to write the algorithim. For example: 27 ÷ 3 = 9.

I enjoyed this task because I like division.

L.I To divide objects evenly

Friday, 23 October 2020

SSR Selfie

I did an SSR Selfie on Fantastic Mr Fox.

First I had to answer what was the tittle? What was the authors name? What was the Illistrators name? And the main characters.

Next I had to list three events in the story. For example: Mr Fox steals from the farmers.

Lastly I had to tell what I thought about the book.

L.I To re-tell and summarise the text.

Narritive Plan

This week we wrote a narritive plan for filming a movie.

First I had to remember what TOPES is. TOPES is Tittle, Orientation, Problem, Events, and Soloution. Orentation shows an introduction about the character. Problem is something that goes wrong. Soloution is figuring out the main problem.

Next we watched 2 different films. When we were watching the 2 films we guessed what the TOPES that were in the film.

Lastly we had to write ideas for the filming and then write a narritive. The page has to be an A4 page. The film has to take 2 miniutes maximum. My idea was me and Xavier getting chased by a zombie.

L.I To write a short story that can be made 

Keeping it Warm and Cold

Insulators means blocking the heat from trying to escape.

There were 5 different materials: Glass, metal, polysyrene, plastic, and cups.

The best insulator for keeping things warm are polystyrene because it is a cooling rate of 8.

The best insulator for keeping things cold are polystyrene and paper because it is a cooling rate of 2.

L.I To learn and practise experimental methods

L.I To determine the insulative properties of materials


For Maori I did an activity called "Kupu". The task was about doing the words I know and then translating the words I didn't know.

The first thing I did was to listen to the "Rona Song".

The next thing I did was to move on to the "Kupu" task. I had to answer the ones I do know.

The thing I did was to translate the ones I don't know in the Maori Dictionary.

I enjoyed this task because I learnt how to do the meaning of the Rona Song and we had to translate new words.

L.I To learn new Maori Words

Novel Study | Fantastic Mr Fox

Fantastic Mr Fox is about a family trying to escape from three evil farmers, Farmer Boggis, Farmer Bunce, and Farmer Bean.

Fantastic Mr fox always steals ducks from Farmer Bunces farm. They love his ducks. The three farmers were sick of it because they always stole from their farm.

They came up with a cunning plan. Bean said "I've got an idea, When the fox comes out go for a BANG BANG BANG BANG!" But when the fox came out they went for a BANG BANG BANG BANG! but instead they got the foxes tail. "WHY, WHY DIDN'T WE KILL HIM!" "You got anymore stupid ideas lad." "WAIT, I've got an idea. We dig up the hole!"

They digged and digged and digged. When they heard the three farmers digging they digged all the way down. The farmers stoped but they didn't give up.

L.I To study novels


Touch Rugby

Today we learned some basic skills for touch rugby.

First we learned how to tap the ball, score a try, catching and passing the ball.

Afterwards we played passing drills to get better at commiting to the ball and catching.

I enjoyed this activity because I learned new rugby skills.

Tuesday, 20 October 2020

Division Story Problems

 This week for maths we had to make a story problem but in division. Division is sharing objects evenly to groups. To make a division story problem you have to split it up into 4 parts.

The first part is to write the original number and what object you are sharing. For example: I had 20 teddy bears.

The next thing was to write who you shared it among. For example: I shared it among me and my little baby brother.

The third thing was to write what amount did each person get. For example: Each of us got 10 teddy bears.

The last thing you do is to write the algorithm. For example: 20 ÷ 2 = 10 because half of 20 is 10.

I enjoyed division because I like learning new things about maths.

L.I To divide objects evenly

Friday, 16 October 2020

Kiwisport | Rugby Ball Skills T4W1

This week for Kiwisport we learnt new sport skills. The sport skills we learnt was about rugby ball skills. These rugby ball skills were basic. For example throwing the ball or passing the ball.

First I had to throw the ball over my head. Then I had to move fowards while I was throwing the ball over my head fowards and backwords.

Next we had to practise passing. When passing to someone make sure the person is moved back and make sure that you are in front. If you pass to the person thats in front of you that is a foward pass.

Then I had to practise rolling the ball under your legs. Before passing the ball to someone make sure that the person in front of you rolls the ball under you so you can pass it.

After we played a game. The game was to put the ball in a coloured hoop in a less time. When Mr Ogilvie blows the whistle and then calls out a colour the person with the ball passes it to thier partner and the person with the ball can't move. So when your partner go's to the colour hoop that Mr Ogilvie called out pass the ball to the your partner close to the hoop and your partner will put the ball in the hoop and once everyone puts the ball in the coloured hoop Mr Ogilvie stops the timer and our class time was 9 seconds.

I enjoyed Kiwisport because I got to learn some new sport skills.

L.I To practise new sports skills

Thursday, 15 October 2020

Inquiry experiment

This week for inquiry we did an experiment. We were trying to experiment how much material that was going to be absorved.

First I had to decide what material we should get for the experiment. The material I decided was the sand. When I decided what our material was, I had to get a beaker that 100ml and then put 5 dips of blue colouring.

Next I put a small jar and put it on top of the scale. When I put the jar on the scale I reseted the scale back to 0 so I could put the sand in. Once I put the sand in I had to make sure it was 50 grams. The reason why it is 50 grams because the teacher want different resaults.

Lastly I had to pour the water out of the jar but not the sand. Once I got all the water out I had to put the water in the millilitre cylinder bottle and that will show how much water that was absorved.

I enjoyed this task because I learnt about a new experiment.

L.I To learn and practise experimental methods


 Division is sharing objects evenly to groups one by one. For example there were 30 lollies that was shared among 6 people. Each person got 5 lollies.

Here is a slide that shows division.

L.I To share objects evenly.

Te Reo Maori

For Maori I learnt how to say body parts.
The first thing I did was to highlight the ones I knew and then leave the ones I didn't know in black. 

The next thing I did was to match the words among the pictures. For example lips - Ngutu.

This task was difficult because I had to learn a lot of new words.

L.I To learn new Maori words